In 2016 God spoke to me through some of the people I preached the word to that I might plant a church where I can minister. Many people told me when I start a church they will come and worship, but I was never able to open. The same year (it took me another year praying) God revealed to me and gave me a direction; I can plant His house of worship. So 2017, August God spoke to me and we rented a shop where the church began and reached many. But it reached a time when I was burdened with how to can pay the rent. The owner of the shop raised the rent from 2000 (equals $20) to 3500 (equals $35). Many of our saints were poor, physically unable, and others widows and orphans. God answered the challenge; we migrated from the shop and we started worshipping under trees that were near. Still in the process orphans, who were in the church, kept coming my house everyday looking for food. My wife would to welcome them and encourage them. I asked her to ask some of them where they were staying. When we reached out we found they were undergoing troubles, so we decided to stay and show Gods love.
In 2018, towards the end, I started praying for God to give me a place where we can plant the church officially. Every place we would go people asked us money. They may offer us a piece of land, and the cheapest person who gave us temporarily land where we would have a temporarily structure. Now he is asking us to give him 700,000kes (equals $7000) that we can't afford. But I never loosed hope, even if saints are poor and others are orphans, widows and widowers, I started praying for sponsorship so we may get a church and orphanage plot.